Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) are becoming a lot more topical amongst investors for their superannuation monies. A SMSF provides investors flexibility, control and investment choice over the management of their superannuation benefits and retirement monies.
We can help determine whether a SMSF is right for you.
Depending on your superannuation balance a SMSF can also be very cost effective for you and your spouse.
The concern for many investors is the time to manage the SMSF and all of the regulation and compliance involved that can result in large penalties if not managed properly.
At Your Life Financial Services, you experience the benefits of a SMSF, as we can assist with managing the compliance, legislative requirements and investments associated with a SMSF on your behalf.
Working together we will help you construct a tailored SMSF portfolio consisting of Cash, Term deposits, Direct Shares, Managed Funds and even property if you wish.
Call Jason on 0414 955 957 for a FREE consultation and join a growing group of members who all enjoy the Your Life Experience.